识骨寻踪 第二季 (全21集)

中文名: 识骨寻踪 第二季
英文名称: Bones Season 2
资源格式: MKV
版本: 720P.HDTV
首播时间: 2006年08月30日
导演: Hart Hanson
Emily Deschanel .... Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan
David Boreanaz .... Special Agent Seeley Booth
Michaela Conlin .... Angela Montenegro
Eric Millegan .... Zack Addy
T.J. Thyne .... Dr. Jack Hodgins
Jonathan Adams .... Dr. Daniel Goodman
语言: 英语
Bones 的创作灵感来源于法庭人类学家和长篇小说家Kathy Reichs的真实生活。主人公TEMPERANCEBrennan博士,是一名法庭人类学家,她为杰斐逊协会工作,并以写作小说为副业,因有着特殊的才 能,能根据受害者的尸骨找到常人难以发现的线索。而被法院强制她协助警方侦破那些因尸体严重腐烂、烧毁或被破坏而使得普通的尸检方法无能为力的凶杀案件。 Brennnan在杰斐逊协会法医学实验室有着同样出色的才华的同事们,包括:喜欢泡帅哥的Angela Montenegro,她能用三维图象模拟再现原始犯罪现场。Brennan的助手ZackAddy,他的智商高得吓人,同时拿下了好几个博士头衔。 JackHodgins是昆虫、孢子和矿石方面的专家,但却喜欢耍阴谋诡计。还有Brennan的老板,实验室主任DanielGoodman博士。 Brennan还经常要与特别探员SeeleyBooth打交道,他曾是一名军队的狙击手,在破案时对科学和科学家并不信任。Brennan和Booth 在工作和生活中经常发生摩擦,但戏剧性的是,不是冤家不碰头,两人之间最后竟奇妙地擦出了火花......
From executive producers BarryJosephson and Hart Hanson comes the darkly amusing drama Bones,inspired by real-life forensic anthropologist and novelist KathyReichs. Forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperence Brennan, who works atthe Jeffersonian Institution and writes novels as a sideline, has anuncanny ability to read clues left behind in a victim's bones.Consequently, law enforcement calls her in to assist with murderinvestigations when the remains are so badly decomposed, burned, ordestroyed that the standard identification methods are useless.Brennan's equally brilliant colleagues at the Jeffersonian'sMedico-Legal Lab include earthy and bawdy Angela Montenegro, who'screated a unique way to render an original crime scene in athree-dimensional computer image; Brennan's assistant, Zack Addy, ayoung prodigy whose genius IQ actually gets in the way of his finishingthe several doctorates he's begun; "the bug guy", Dr. Jack Hodgins,who's an expert on insects, spores and minerals, but conspiracy is hishobby; and Brennan's boss, imposing lab director Dr. Daniel Goodman.Brennan often finds herself teamed with Special Agent Seely Booth, aformer Army sniper who mistrusts science and scientists when it comesto solving crimes. Brennan and Booth clash both professionally andpersonally, but so far the chemistry between them has only played outin a fictionalized account in Brennan's lastest mystery novel.
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