原声碟CD,包括cue+bin的原盘镜像和WAV分轨两种格式,碟中收录了张东健和具本承合唱的插曲/片尾曲《LOVE SONG》,另附他俩唱的这首歌的钢琴伴奏版mp3。
LOVE SONG歌词 (发现网上流传的好几个版本都有错误,自己手动录入了一遍)
Recently in your eyes I see
There's been a change in you
And the one said now all seems dead
And I just don't know what to do
Oh my darling you cannot hide
The love you once had for me has died
Oh my darling you cannot hide
The love you once had for me has died
Yet my tend at the tournament
And let me your champion be
And if I win
Would you take me into your chambers secretly
Ask me who do I think of
When a moon is high and bright
Ask me who do I dream of
When I dream of you tonight
Oh my darling you cannot hide
The love you once had for me has died
Oh my darling you cannot hide
The love you once had for me has died

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1s-iWbF1K10jMtAwwqd5-UA
密码: 4e68